Milestone Hiring Event
9:00AM - 11:00AM Milestone is hiring and would like to meet you in the Rockford Career Center to discuss open positions such as Direct Care Staff, Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professional, […]
9:00AM - 11:00AM Milestone is hiring and would like to meet you in the Rockford Career Center to discuss open positions such as Direct Care Staff, Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professional, […]
Discover tips and skills to shine at your next interview
Stop in to get help with career cruising, searching/applying for jobs, FAFSA, resume writing, interview tips, technology help, and MORE!
9:00AM-11:00AM A representative from Furst Staffing will be available to discuss the various job opportunities available.
Learn how to navigate a computer and the internet
1:00PM-3:00PM A representative from Furst Staffing will be available to discuss various job opportunities available.
Find the degree program that suits your needs. You will receive a meeting link upon registration. Sign-up using any of the following options: • Or using the link:• Call […]
Develop skills to better analyze ideas and identify misinformation
Develop skills to better analyze ideas and identify misinformation
2:00PM-4:00PM A representative from Furst Staffing will be available to discuss the various job opportunities available.
Stop in to get help with career cruising, searching/applying for jobs, FAFSA, resume writing, interview tips, technology help, and MORE!
Develop skills to better analyze ideas and identify misinformation