Community Services Assistance
9:00-12:00 Community Action Agency for Winnebago and Boone County will be on site to provide information on rental and mortgage assistance, emergency assistance, LIHEAP, skills training and transportation assistance.
9:00-12:00 Community Action Agency for Winnebago and Boone County will be on site to provide information on rental and mortgage assistance, emergency assistance, LIHEAP, skills training and transportation assistance.
Learn about the basics about budgeting and banking. To sign-up for this workshop: CLICK HERE , complete the form at, txt (815)893-9161, call (815)921-2203, or email
Learn how to create and polish a professional resume. To sign-up for this workshop: CLICK HERE , complete the form at, txt (815)893-9161, call (815)921-2203, or email
2:00-4:00 Meet with a representative from Furst Staffing to discuss available job opportunities.
Discover tips and skills to shine at your next interview. To participate in virtual workshops, you must sign up at least an hour before the start of the workshop. To sign-up for this workshop: CLICK HERE , complete the form at, txt (815)893-9161, call (815)921-2203, or email
Discover tips and skills to shine at your next interview. To sign-up for this workshop: CLICK HERE , complete the form at, txt (815)893-9161, call (815)921-2203, or email
Find the certificate or degree program that suits your needs. To sign-up for this workshop: CLICK HERE , complete the form at, txt (815)893-9161, call (815)921-2203, or email
Learn how to navigate a computer and the internet. To sign-up for this workshop: CLICK HERE , complete the form at, txt (815)893-9161, call (815)921-2203, or email
Navigate the FAFSA application process. To sign-up for this workshop: CLICK HERE , complete the form at, txt (815)893-9161, call (815)921-2203, or email
Stop in to get help with career cruising, searching/applying for jobs, FAFSA, resume writing, interview tips, technology help, and MORE! Stop in anytime during drop-in hours and stay as long as you need.
9:00-11:00 Meet with a representative from Furst Staffing to discuss available job opportunities.
1:00-3:00 Meet with a representative from Furst Staffing to discuss available job opportunities.