9:00-11:00 Meet with a representative from Furst Staffing to discuss available job opportunities.
1:00-2:00 Looking to gain job skills and explore possible careers? Stop into the Freeport office to learn more about this special program for youth.
1:00-3:00 Meet with a representative from Furst Staffing to discuss available job opportunities.
10:00-12:00 Meet with a representative from United Parcel Service and learn about the job opportunities and benefits available.
10:00-1:00 Find your future at Fastenal. Meet with a representative from Fastenal and discover the various positions available.
Discover tips and skills to shine at your next interview. To participate in virtual workshops, you must sign up at least an hour before the start of the workshop. To sign-up for this workshop: CLICK HERE , complete the form at https://forms.gle/UmohyMsjnpATA8zZ6, txt (815)893-9161, call (815)921-2203, or email aanderson@theworkforceconnection.org.
Navigate the FAFSA application process. To sign-up for this workshop: CLICK HERE , complete the form at https://forms.gle/UmohyMsjnpATA8zZ6, txt (815)893-9161, call (815)921-2203, or email aanderson@theworkforceconnection.org.
2:00-4:00 Meet with a representative from Furst Staffing to discuss available job opportunities.
Learn about the basics about budgeting and banking. To participate in virtual workshops, you must sign up at least an hour before the start of the workshop. To sign-up for this workshop: CLICK HERE , complete the form at https://forms.gle/UmohyMsjnpATA8zZ6, txt (815)893-9161, call (815)921-2203, or email aanderson@theworkforceconnection.org.
Learn how to navigate a computer and the internet. To sign-up for this workshop: CLICK HERE , complete the form at https://forms.gle/UmohyMsjnpATA8zZ6, txt (815)893-9161, call (815)921-2203, or email aanderson@theworkforceconnection.org.
Find the certificate or degree program that suits your needs. To sign-up for this workshop: CLICK HERE , complete the form at https://forms.gle/UmohyMsjnpATA8zZ6, txt (815)893-9161, call (815)921-2203, or email aanderson@theworkforceconnection.org.
Navigate the FAFSA application process. To sign-up for this workshop: CLICK HERE , complete the form at https://forms.gle/UmohyMsjnpATA8zZ6, txt (815)893-9161, call (815)921-2203, or email aanderson@theworkforceconnection.org.
Improve your ability to communicate, advocate, and resolve conflicts at work. To sign-up for this workshop: CLICK HERE , complete the form at https://forms.gle/UmohyMsjnpATA8zZ6, txt (815)893-9161, call (815)921-2203, or email aanderson@theworkforceconnection.org.
9:00-12:00 ProLogistix specializes in staffing for the logistics industry. If you enjoy working in the distribution/warehouse work environment you can find your career at ProLogistix.
12:00PM Join The Workforce Connection and Green State Credit Union for a Financial Basics Workshop. The event will focus on understanding and managing credit, learning about debt to income, budgeting, and more. Lunch will be provided. To reserve your spot please call 815-315-1830.
10:00-1:00 Join us to learn about this new local clean energy program and how to earn a 38% discount on your ComEd bill and a $50 Walmart gift card. Space is limited. To be eligible for this program you must be a participant in Medicaid, SNAP, SSI, LIHEAP, Section 8, or other income-based programs.