Website Freeport Health Network (FHN)

The Cash Application Specialist (CAS) is responsible for all cash application activities in the Central Business Office (CBO). Across multiple patient accounting systems, CAS scan, batch, record, reconcile, deposit and post all payments received across the organization including Acute, Ambulatory and Family Counseling Center. Through use of cash application processes and accounting principles, the CAS apply appropriate checks and balances to ensure accuracy and quality to reconcile and report to their partners in Fiscal at month-end. Quality control is fundamental in interpreting insurance explanation of benefits and electronic remittance advices to ensure payments and contractual discounts are applied according to government and managed care contracts. Time management and production are critical in meeting the required daily responsibilities of cash deposits on a monthly average of $15.5M to appropriate bank accounts and confirming accurate patient accounting balances on each account. CAS also research patient account credits, review uninsured patient discounts and process patient refunds to resolve balances.


Job Responsibilities
Post manual or electronic remittance advice (ERA) insurance payments, credit card payments (insurance/self-pay) through online credit card payment vendor and statement vendor, no-pay insurance explanation of benefits (EOBs), on-account payments to transactions, collection agency payments, legal payments, general ledger (GL) payments for non-AR accounts including insurance bonus payments or medical records or insurance interests, patient statement payments, client payments, patient uninsured discounts and NSF charge and payment to account.
Performs QA on contractual discounts in accordance with managed care agreements, batch postings with corresponding deposits (daily reconciliation), mailed payments without account numbers to ensure proper allocation of monies, self-pay balances verification prior to posting, interpretation of EOBs, appropriate CARC/RARC codes on  each line item, maintaining and monitoring credit balances in business intelligence solution Merlin, reconciling payments from offices, research and locate 835 vouchers, application of payment or contractual adjustments to correct account number and date of service, manual analysis and correction of ERA errors and account balances, distribution of remaining balance in the correct AR bucket on account, check websites or call insurance to identify account and on-account payment distribution once charge applied.
Provide Customer Service by walking physician office practice staff through corrections in the Cash Drawer when cash collection balancing issues, collaborating with bank associates when balancing issues occur, researching and responding to accounts receivable staff with posting or scanning questions, sending correspondence to patients regarding NSF charges, answering staff phone calls regarding patient questions on self-pay credits and refunds.
Records all deposits and ERAs from bank and balances all payment and adjustments for Fiscal at month-end.
Reviews self-pay account checks as assigned.
Other responsibilities include: accessing payor website to locate and download 835 electronic files, maintains outgoing mail, researches and identifies correct addresses for return mail, manages copy and fax machine operating issues, loads correct insurance and policy information on payments received if necessary, provides backup coverage for other CAS positions and cross trained with coverage to remain proficient, assists in training new staff members, sorts, open and distributes mail daily, prepares electronic/paper batch cover sheets for payment posting, scans and indexes payment batch and miscellaneous documents in scanning solution and prepares daily banking deposits. Investigate and resolve patient overpayments and process insurance refund checks.

Education: High School Diploma or Equivalent

Required Experience: 1 – 2 years

Populations Served
While performing this job, the employee may care for patients in the following age groups.

Serves patients in areas other than direct patient care
While performing this job, the employee does not care for patients in the following age groups.

No direct responsibility to treat or care for patients

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