Workforce Services

Career Seekers
Employment opportunities, hiring events, career coaching, employment training, and specific assistance for in and out of school youth.
Talent acquisition, on-the-job training, customized training, apprenticeships, work experience, upskilling talent.

Labor Market
Most recent unemployment and labor force information, including employment by industry, updated monthly.
News & Testimonials
Kenan’s Success Story
Wow…what a great example of collaboration of our region’s local government officials, state and federal governments, as well as many regional organizations, including The Workforce Connection!
United Facilities On-The-Job Training Experience
Kevin, unemployed at the time, enrolled in The Workforce Connection’s Elevate Youth program in August of 2024.
Kevin’s Success Story
Kevin, unemployed at the time, enrolled in The Workforce Connection’s Elevate Youth program in August of 2024.
Skylar’s Success Story
Skylar enrolled in training with The Workforce Connection and successfully earned his Commercial Driver’s License in December.
Business Services Outreach at Lincoln-Douglas Kiwanis Club
Business Outreach Specialist, Mark Spain, provided an overview of our Work Based Learning programs for employers at the Lincoln-Douglas Kiwanis Club. The presentation included information on the...
Registered Apprenticeships, Building a Talent Pipeline
TWC's Workforce Program Manager, Berenice Jaquez, presented a webinar on "Registered Apprenticeships, Building a Talent Pipeline" and shared how they can benefit your business. Berenice explained...
The Workforce Connection Board
Your Region’s Workforce Board
Serving Boone, Stephenson, and Winnebago Counties in Northern Illinois
Calendar of Events
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The Workforce Connection– an Illinois WorkNet Center and partner in the American Job Center network. This program is funded by The Workforce Connection, Inc., Il Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity, and the U.S. Department of Labor. The Workforce Connection is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers on our website may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment by calling TTY (800) 526-0844 or 711. Contact the local Equal Opportunity Officer, Chris Oysti, at 815-395-6676. This program is subject to the provisions of the “Jobs for Veteran’s Act” Public Law 107-288, which provides priority of services to veterans and spouses of certain veterans. To view additional information related to the U.S. Department of Labor funding of this program, please visit