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The Workforce Connection offers a Business Services Team with vast experience in workforce development. Members of the team can help explain the many recruitment and training services provided by the Workforce Connection. For more information, call 815-395-6619 or email businessservices@theworkforceconnection.org
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The Workforce Connection– an Illinois WorkNet Center and partner in the American Job Center network. This program is funded by The Workforce Connection, Inc., Il Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity, and the U.S. Department of Labor. The Workforce Connection is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers on this website may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment by calling TTY (800) 526-0844 or 711. Contact the Equal Opportunity Officer at 815-395-6638. This program is subject to the provisions of the “Jobs for Veteran’s Act” Public Law 107-288, which provides priority of services to veterans and spouses of certain veterans. To view additional information related to the U.S. Department of Labor funding of this program, please visit www.theworkforceconnection.org/USDOLstatement